Guiding women in the Birthing Year to activate her truest MotherSelf through a journey of Surrender, Nourishment, Transformation + Integration.

Rising Monarch offers skilled, loving + faith-based support for birthing women in East Texas

Birth is an invitation to co-labor with the creator to bring forth the next generation.

Rising Monarch is here to support and serve you in all 4 trimesters and beyond. My hope is that you will step into Motherhood active in your power, voice and confidence through an intuitive birth + rejuvenating postpartum.

Schedule a Free Interview

Modern culture screams at moms to choose the right path to navigate pregnancy and birth. Between social media, unsolicited advice from loved ones, your own inner narrative and many other external's easy to lose yourself in the overwhelm.

*breathe mama*

I know you sense there is a balanced and holistic approach. Intuitively your body and soul knows the journey of Birth has a Map (or at least you will after attending my community workshop!) Instinctively, you know this map offers a blend of the sacred + the science. Intuition + information. You want to feel protected, safe, and unobserved. You want to be rooted in Truth + Spirit as you enter into LaborLand. You want to emerge from your journey feeling equipped, rejuvenated and confident as you step into the mission field set before you. You want your voice and power to be intact as you integrate into Motherhood.

Peaceful. Joyful. Whole.

You want your baby to be welcomed into your loving and peaceful arms, safely and without interference. You want to be warmly supported by a gentle, loving and skilled guide who will honor this sacred transition for you and your growing family.

I am here to serve + support you in this beautiful journey.

Meet Your Doula

Jackie Smith

Hello beloved one, thank you for stopping by my site! I hope you are filled with encouragement and inspiration. My main ministry in life is wife of 7+ years and mama to 2 wild+free little boys. I am a home education advocate, book hoarder, student of birth, and fueled by herbs, coffee and not-so-quiet daily time in Scriptures.

I guide the women I work with into a tangible experience of our Creator's truth and love for her by teaching His perfect design of physiological birth through a unique approach to prenatal sessions. I combine childbirth education, trauma-informed care, nutrition + supplement counseling and faith-based inner healing to guide my clients into a tangible experience of her authentic identity so she can identify and embrace His original purpose and design for her life as a woman and Mother.

Calibrate Your Compass

You are the Captain of your Journey

When a mother is nurtured and awakened to her God-given identity, purpose and roles she no longer feels an obligation to rely on external factors to feel secure and confident about who she IS.

When she begins her next season of Motherhood she is able to stand firmly in her identity.

You are the Chosen Mother for this Baby

She steps into Motherhood equipped, empowered and whole with her voice, power and confidence intact. She is able to show up intentionally and surrender to the journey of nourishing herself in pregnancy, transformation in birth and integration during her postpartum period.

She becomes fully integrated with her MotherSelf and allows the parts of her that no longer serve her and her family to be released, healed and laid to rest.

You are rooted in Truth + Spirit

No matter the outcomes of her birth. She knows who she is called to be and so she able to take full responsibility for being the captain of her life, her pregnancy, her birth and postpartum.

Nourishing Prenatal Care

As your guide we will unpack The Labor Map and I will point out important sites along the way, helping you to calibrate your compass. I offer a menu of nourishment for you to choose what you need to sustain your body, soul and spirit along your journey.

Hands-Available Labor Support

I will support you in preparing to enter LaborLand and you will learn with wisdom and understanding how to access and apply the tools and resources you have gathered. During Labor I will hold space and provide holistic, loving support as you navigate your Transformation.

Attentive Postpartum Care

During your postpartum season I continue to provide compassionate care and remain your guide through the final leg of your journey; Integration. I offer unique support to ensure your 4th trimester is rejuvenating and honoring of your new MotherSelf and the sacred journey of your Birthing Year.

Rising Monarch Doula Care Includes

  • up to 6 prenatal visits (at least 2)
  • ON Call Availability from 37 weeks
  • hands available labor support
  • approx 2-4 hours immediate postpartum care
  • 2 postpartum home visits
  • 2 virtual postpartum visits
  • email and phone support

Also Included

  • Nutrition + Supplement Counseling
  • Childbirth Education
  • Breastfeeding Education + Support
  • Extensive Postpartum Planning
  • Inner-Healing + Trauma/Fear Release
  • Labor Vision + Strategies + Comfort Tools
  • Mother's Blessing Ceremony Facilitation
  • Nesting Party Planning
  • Meal Planning/Prep Support
  • Peri-Steam Facilitation
  • Mother's Closing Ceremony

Feel the Love

Jackie has been an absolute blessing to me since the day I reached out to her. She is so knowledgeable and a true gem at what she does. I didn't connect with her until later on in my pregnancy and instantly regretted not connecting sooner. Jackie was able to jump right in and catch me up to where I needed to be.

After delivering, I had some breastfeeding challenges that she helped me through. Her support is one of a kind. She goes above and beyond to really connect with you and help you understand your purpose in motherhood. Having her guidance gave me the strength to trust my own intuition and has changed me all around. Thank you Jackie


A Beautiful Home Birth

Having a doula at my home birth was one of the best decisions I made throughout my entire birth and postpartum/recovery.

After pursuing a midwife and planning for a home birth experience, I was excited to have an unmedicated birth, but also incredibly nervous. My previous 2 children were hospital births, and I wanted to achieve an unmedicated labor with my third baby. The massage she gave throughout labor was soothing, and helped my body cope with surges. I was extra glad to have Jackie by my side in the final stage of labor; she guided and encouraged me through strong and powerful contractions.

Jackie has been an emotional and spiritual support, in addition to being a friend and labor companion. Jackie was instrumental in helping Benjamin and I successfully latch and achieve my breastfeeding goals. She has prayed with me over Benjamin, and rejoices in our feeding success. Her knowledge of herbs and homeopathic remedies is incredibly helpful, and I value her nutritional guidance. She is close to our family and deeply cares about the wellbeing of every single client. Not only have I brought another child into the world, but I have gained another cherished friend. Thank you Jackie.


A GentleBirth Center Birth

From our initial meeting I had a connection with Jackie and knew she was the right choice for my birth. I appreciated that she was a Christian, since my faith is very important to me.

Jackie went above and beyond what I expected in a doula, helping me to navigate and work through underlying fears of birth in what she called “freedom sessions”. At the time, I didn’t understand how meaningful these sessions were, but they allowed us to connect on a deeper level and she taught me how to lean on God during my birth.

Jackie has a wealth of knowledge when it comes to nutrition during pregnancy; she suggested supplements and products that I could utilize for various aliments; I suffered from sciatic pain during the pregnancy, was diagnosed with gestational diabetes, and group b strep, and she helped me treat these issues naturally.

During my birth, Jackie was an amazing resource and support. When my active labor began, she came to my home and helped me labor there for several hours, and provided support in the forms of essential oils, massage, words of affirmation, suggestions on positions, labor aid popsicles, soothing tea light candles, etc.

At the birth center, Jackie's assistance helped lead me to accomplish the intervention-free water birth that I had envisioned.

In the postpartum stage, Jackie was an incredible support system. She visited my family, brought us a delicious meal, and offered resources on postpartum care for me. Jackie was not only an incredible doula, but also a great friend. I’m glad that God aligned our paths to help welcome our daughter into the world! I’m fairly certain I’m done having children, but if I were to do it again, I would hire her again in a heartbeat.


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